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Timing and time perception.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004280200 9004280197 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brill

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Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, and Applications is a one-of-a-kind, collective effort to present the most utilized and known methods on timing and time perception. Specifically, it covers methods and analysis on circadian timing, synchrony perception, reaction/response time, time estimation, and alternative methods for clinical/developmental research. The book includes experimental protocols, programming code, and sample results and the content ranges from very introductory to more advanced so as to cover the needs of both junior and senior researchers. We hope that this will be the first step in future efforts to document experimental methods and analysis both in a theoretical and in a practical manner. Contributors are: Patricia V. Agostino, Rocío Alcalá-Quintana, Fuat Balcı, Karin Bausenhart, Richard Block, Ivana L. Bussi, Carlos S. Caldart, Mariagrazia Capizzi, Xiaoqin Chen, Ángel Correa, Massimiliano Di Luca, Céline Z. Duval, Mark T. Elliott, Dagmar Fraser, David Freestone, Miguel A. García-Pérez, Anne Giersch, Simon Grondin, Nori Jacoby, Florian Klapproth, Franziska Kopp, Maria Kostaki, Laurence Lalanne, Giovanna Mioni, Trevor B. Penney, Patrick E. Poncelet, Patrick Simen, Ryan Stables, Rolf Ulrich, Argiro Vatakis, Dominic Ward, Alan M. Wing, Kieran Yarrow, and Dan Zakay.

Time distortions in mind : temporal processing in clinical populations
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9004230645 9004230696 9789004230699 9789004230644 Year: 2015 Publisher: Brill

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Time Distortions in Mind brings together current research on aspects of temporal processing in clinical populations, in the ultimate hope of elucidating the interdependence between perturbations in timing and disturbances in the mind and brain. Such research may inform not only typical psychological functioning, but may also elucidate the psychological consequences of any pathophysiological differences in temporal processing. This collection of current knowledge on temporal processing in clinical populations is an excellent reference for the student and scientist interested in the topic, but it also serves as the stepping-stone to share ideas and push forward the advancement in understanding how distorted timing can lead to a disturbed brain and mind or vice versa. Contributors to this volume: Ryan D. Ward, Billur Avlar, Peter D Balsam, Deana B. Davalos, Jamie Opper, Yvonne Delevoye-Turrell, Hélène Wilquin, Mariama Dione, Anne Giersch, Laurence Lalanne, Mitsouko van Assche, Patrick E. Poncelet, Mark A. Elliott, Deborah L. Harrington, Stephen M. Rao, Catherine R.G. Jones, Marjan Jahanshahi, Bon-Mi Gu, Anita J. Jurkowski, Jessica I. Lake, Chara Malapani, Warren H. Meck, Rebecca M. C. Spencer, Dawn Wimpory, Brad Nicholas, Elzbieta Szelag, Aneta Szymaszek, Anna Oron, Melissa J. Allman, Christine M. Falter, Argiro Vatakis, Alexandra Elissavet Bakou

Lived temporalities : exploring duration in Guatemala, empirical and theoretical studies
ISBN: 3839406579 3899426576 Year: 2007 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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In contemporary global capitalist culture, time-consciousness becomes more important than self-consciousness. In the realm of lived time, the identity of the self opens up to an encounter with otherness. Insights into the ways in which this dynamic unfolds enable one to affirm human temporalities in their potential difference to the temporalities of global capitalism. The book offers an empirical exploration of lived temporalities on markets, in buses and in traditional subsistence in Guatemala, and a theoretical exploration of these through the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and inter-relational approaches within psychoanalysis.

Reading the country : 30 years on
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0648124223 9780648124290 9780648124283 0648124231 Year: 2019 Publisher: Broadway UTS ePRESS

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"Steeped in story-telling and endlessly curious, Reading the country: an introduction to nomadology (1984) was the product of Paddy Roe, Stephen Muecke and Krim Benterrak, experimenting with what it might be like to think together about country. In the process a senior traditional owner, a cultural theorist and a painter produced a text unlike any other. Reading the Country: 30 Years On is a celebration of one of the great twentieth-century books of intercultural dialogue. Recalling a spirit of intellectual risk and respect, in this collection, Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, poets, writers and publishers both acknowledge the past and look, with hope, to future transformations of culture and country."--Publisher's website.

Relational passage of time
ISBN: 1000635201 1003224237 103212234X Year: 2023 Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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This book defends a relational theory of the passage of time. The realist view of passage developed in this book differs from the robust, substantivalist position. According to relationism, passage is nothing over and above the succession of events, one thing coming after another. Causally related events are temporally arranged as they happen one after another along observers' worldlines. There is no unique global passage but a multiplicity of local passages of time. After setting out this positive argument for relationism, the author deals with five common objections to it: (a) triviality of deflationary passage, (b) a-directionality of passage, (c) the impossibility of experiencing passage, (d) fictionalism about passage, and (e) the incompatibility of passage with perduring objects. Relational Passage of Time will appeal to scholars and advanced students working in philosophy of time, metaphysics, and philosophy of physics.

Das Imperium Romanum und seine Gegenwelten : Die geographisch-ethnographischen Exkurse in den "Res Gestae" des Ammianus Marcellinus
ISBN: 3110296934 3110297086 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Ammian gilt als der größte Historiker der Spätantike. Doch seine geographisch-ethnographischen Exkurse über Gallien, Ägypten, Persien und über nomadische Fremdvölker wie Sarazenen, Alanen und Hunnen wurden lange als imitierte Gelehrsamkeit und überflüssige Unterbrechung des Geschichtsverlaufs unterschätzt. In den klassischen Lehren der Rhetorik, der metaphorischen Lesung der Landschaften, der Konstituierung von Erinnerungsräumen und Gegenwelten zum Imperium Romanum deckt die Autorin den Schlüssel für das Verständnis des Gesamtwerks auf: Geschichtsverständnis und Diskurse über geographisches Wissen bedingen einander. Dadurch erscheint auch Ammians schriftstellerische Leistung in einem neuen Licht. So gewinnt der Leser einerseits eine Fülle von gesichertem Forschungswissen über die unbekannten ,Ränder der antiken Welt' und nimmt andererseits die Exkurse nicht länger als schmückendes Beiwerk der Haupthandlung wahr, sondern als sinnkonstituierende Partien innerhalb dieser.

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